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(800) 930-2770


What is Fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling of being exhausted or not having much energy. It is normal during a serious illness and at the end of life. Fatigue may be caused by medications, eating and drinking less, changes your body is going through, or severe anxiety, depression or grief. Severe fatigue does not get better with rest.


Symptoms of Fatigue

pensive woman looking out window iStock-1286681860.jpegWhat are some symptoms of fatigue?

  • Being unable to concentrate on things that are important to you
  • Feeling sleepy or very tired, even after resting
  • Talking or interacting less
  • Feeling depressed

How to Boost or Conserve Energy

What can help you conserve or boost your energy? Click “+” to expand each section and read more.


When should you contact Agrace?

Agrace Hospice Care patients, your care team wants to know how fatigue is affecting you. Talk to us about your worries, and contact us if you have these concerns:

  • Fatigue makes it hard to do or enjoy things that are important to you.
  • You have difficulty breathing, pain or constipation—all of which can make your body feel fatigued.
  • You feel anxious or depressed because you are exhausted.

If you’re not in hospice care, contact your primary health care provider anytime you have questions or concerns about fatigue.



Hospice Caregiver Support

If you need help urgently for an Agrace Hospice Care patient, please call. Otherwise, email us directly at caregiversupport@agrace.org, or send your questions through our online contact form.

Call (800) 553-4289

Call to talk to an interpreter / Tenemos intérpretes disponibles: (800) 930-2770


More Care Tips for Families

For more expert advice from Agrace, visit Agrace.org/CareTips.