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(800) 930-2770


About the Adult Day Center

The Agrace Adult Day Center is a bright, safe, supportive place for seniors to have engaging care and companionship on weekdays. It is open Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and is located at 1702 W. Beltline Highway in Madison, with easy access from the Fish Hatchery Road and Todd Drive exits from the Beltline (Hwy 12/18).

The Center is certified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services’ Division of Quality Assurance. It is open to all seniors who are in need of companionship and help with daily activities.

Each day, we engage seniors in activities that can help slow the progression of dementia and reduce cognitive decline. This compassionate, direct care gives a much-needed break to our clients’ family caregivers. So, even when you cannot be home with them, your loved one can still enjoy:

  • companionship from our staff, volunteers and other seniors;
  • mentally stimulating activities, such as board games, crafts, puzzles, movies and music;
  • physical activities, like chair yoga, dancing, mini golf and bowling; and
  • quality, nutritious meals.

Other services, such as showers and foot care, are offered for an additional charge.

Sample Activity Schedule at the Agrace Adult Day Center

Designated members of our staff are trained to administer clients’ medications from the written order of their doctor/primary health care provider. All medications given are documented for family members’ reference.



Who can participate?

The Agrace Adult Day Center is for older adults who cannot or choose not to stay alone all day. They may live alone, with family members or in assisted living—but appreciate the reassurance and support of having others with them throughout the day.

This service is especially helpful for seniors who are living with dementia or cognitive decline that affects their memory and decision-making. And it lets their families make time for errands, appointments or a regular break from caregiving.

Your loved one does not need to be a hospice patient or have any serious illness to receive care at the Center. It’s a safe, structured, compassionate space where Agrace’s staff support the mental, emotional and physical needs of seniors and people with memory loss.

If you think the Adult Day Center would help your loved one, but they do not understand the point or refuse to go, here are ideas to try that may build their interest in attending:

“Perfect opportunity for my 80+ mom! She’s around peers, doing activities, eating a meal, and even playing the piano! This is one day she is not sleeping on the couch or saying she is bored, or sad or both. There's also the benefit that is mine … respite for this full-time caregiver. ”

— Daughter of Client - Adult Day Center

“The Agrace Adult Day Center is like home to me, with such wonderful people and this is a safe place for me.”

— Adult Day Center Client

“After Murray was at the Adult Day Center the first two times he asked if he could go more times per week! I just can’t say enough about Agrace, you called me right away and got things started and the people at the Adult Day Center are absolutely wonderful. I got Murray back and he has become alive again!”

— Lissa - Adult Day Center

“My mother-in-law just gushes about how nice the staff is. They potted succulents yesterday and painted the clay pots. She had a blast. There is a woman there who she is friends with who is always worried that her family will not pick her up. My MIL has taken it upon herself to re-assure the woman that they will--over and over again. It feeds her desire to feel needed in a way that we can’t replicate at home. It just continues to be such a good experience and a blessing for us! ”

— Mary Jo - Adult Day Center

“You have hired and trained an impressive group of dedicated staff. The Agrace volunteers and Mary are all caring too. We are grateful that this special place exists. Thank you ALL! ”

— Suzanne & Neil - Adult Day Center


Who is providing care?

Care at the Adult Day Center is overseen by a manager, and a director who is registered nurse (RN). Designated staff are trained to ensure that each client’s daily medication needs are met.

Our staff also includes trained caregivers, an activities coordinator, a resource specialist, volunteers and a meal-preparation chef from the Agrace kitchen. Clients receive nutritious meals, with caregivers providing meal set-up and feeding assistance to meet each person’s cognitive, physical and emotional needs.

Volunteers are welcome at the Day Center. Click for more information about becoming a volunteer today.


What does it cost?

A per-day fee ranging from $95 to $125 includes meals, activities, services and medication administration. New clients are required to schedule at least two days per week. We currently have openings for daily care Monday through Friday.

For an additional fee, the Center provides clients with showers ($45 per shower), and foot-care services ($25 per appointment).

Most clients pay privately. Families who are interested but are unable to pay the daily fee may find payment assistance is available through community sources or Agrace’s Care for All program.

Please check on payment options through your ADRC or Area Agency on Aging of Dane County, or ask us about Agrace Care for All.



How do I get started?

Call the Adult Day Center at (608) 327-7303.

Call to talk to an interpreter / Tenemos intérpretes disponibles: (800) 930-2770


Support the Center

The Adult Day Center is often in need of specific materials to provide entertainment and enrichment activities for clients. If you’d like to support the Center by purchasing an item, click the button below.
Amazon Wish List