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What is advance care planning?

If you were badly hurt or very sick and could not communicate in any way, would your family know how to make health care choices for you that fit your wishes?

The best way to make sure your health care choices are known and followed is through advance care planning. It’s a process of talking with your family and other loved ones about what health care you would want—if you could not communicate for yourself. Then you complete an “advance directive,” a legal document that puts your wishes in writing.


What are advance directives?

couple reviews advance directivesAn advance directive is a legal document that defines your choices about what health care you do or do not want, and how health care decisions should be made for you.

Everyone aged 18 and older should have advance directives, even healthy people.


Resources and Forms


Contact Us

For more information about advance care planning, please contact:

Deanna Truedson McKillips
Social Worker, Agrace Supportive Care
(608) 669-7352

Email Deanna