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Climate change creates increasing risks to human health.

There’s a connection to healthcare.

Carbon emissions – particularly the burning of fossil fuels – result in global warming and climate change. These changes in our climate are tied to increasing risks to human health, including poor air quality, the spread of certain diseases carried by ticks and mosquitos, reduced food and water quality, and extreme weather conditions. Some of these changes, like extreme heat, can directly impact Agrace’s patient and client populations.

agrace carbon neutral icon

Agrace can make a difference!

In the US, about 40% of carbon emissions are attributed to buildings. As Agrace utilizes numerous physical locations, we have an opportunity to make a positive difference by reducing our carbon footprint. Being resourceful and sustainable is part of who we are at Agrace – it’s part of our values and The Essence of Agrace.

In addition to being the right thing to do, reducing our carbon footprint is a good business decision.  This includes both intangible benefits, like employee recruitment and engagement, and financial savings that result from more efficient operations and reduced energy consumption.


Carbon Footprint = Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory

Carbon footprints are calculated using an emission inventory. This inventory includes the three areas of focus below. When we add up all of the categories that make up Agrace’s carbon footprint, we get our total footprint: 4,730 metric tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent.


Our Strategy

Agrace’s roadmap to becoming carbon neutral has six main components.


Identifying no-cost and short-payback opportunities to reduce energy consumption at Agrace facilities, while maintaining or improving each facility’s operations to achieve five- to 15 percent total building energy savings with a simple payback of less than two years.

Equipment Replacement

Proactively replacing building components that are at or near the end of their useful life with new equipment that has been evaluated for energy efficiency.

Green Power

Agrace is partnering with local utilities to participate in green power programs, which allow businesses to purchase locally generated power from renewable sources.

Carbon Offsets

Agrace plans to “offset” emissions generated by the organization that cannot be immediately eliminated—by funding projects such as land restoration, forest management and methane capture.

Other Impacts/efforts

As old power grid technology is phased out and newer power plants are brought online, Agrace will see a reduction in our footprint. Agrace is also becoming more efficient in scheduling to reduce miles driven by staff and evaluating converting fleet vehicles to electric.


How Agrace employees are supporting this work

kitchen garden

Agrace kitchen staff and volunteers grow fruits, vegetables and greens that are served at the Doc Rock Cafe in Madison.

Agrace’s internally-focused initiative focuses on actions that aren’t required for carbon neutrality, but are tactile ways that employees can help support Agrace’s larger initiative. Efforts include recycling goals, sustainable purchasing and reducing or eliminating waste that we send to landfills.

Areas of focus:

  • Saving energy by switching off computers and lights when not in use
  • Sourcing on-site electric car charging at Agrace locations
  • Increasing recycling & reducing waste sent to landfills
  • Obtaining food from local sustainable farmers
  • Encouraging sustainable purchasing practices

Frequently Asked Questions

Click the “+” for the answers.


Agrace's commitment to becoming carbon neutral by 2025 is not only an effort to do our part to be a responsible organization as we fulfill our mission, it's also a good business decision.

— Lynne Sexten, Agrace President & CEO