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(800) 930-2770


Fall Safety Where You Live

Falling at home (or wherever you live) can lead to serious, painful injuries. This could include head trauma, cuts, bruises and broken bones. To help you or a loved one stay safe and more independent, Agrace recommends you follow the steps below for preventing falls.

  • Arrange furniture so there is a clear path for walking.
  • Remove throw rugs or secure them with non-slip backing.
  • Remove objects from the floor, such as shoes, papers, books, towels and blankets.
  • Clear wires and charging/extension cords from walkways.
  • Ensure lamps, night lights and light switches are within easy reach.
  • Install handrails on stairs.
  • Add grab bars in your bathtub/shower and near your toilet.
  • Add a non-slip mat to the floor of your tub or shower.
  • In the kitchen, move items to low shelves to avoid having to use a step stool. If a step stool is necessary, use a sturdy stool with a bar to hold.

Getting to the Restroom Safely

  • Set up a schedule for using the toilet, so you don’t have to rush to get there. Rushing could lead to falls.
  • A graphic of a calendar with a clock insetTalk to your doctor or hospice team about testing for a urinary tract infection (UTI) if you feel the need to urinate more often or more urgently than normal, or if you have more episodes of incontinence (losing control of your bladder/urine).
  • Hospice patients/caregivers: Talk to your Agrace care team about the pros and cons of a urinary catheter. It may prevent the need to get to the toilet quickly.

Safety when Standing or Walking

  • Talk to your doctor or hospice team if you have concerns about your steadiness or safety when walking or standing up. They can assess your needs and make recommendations.
  • Follow your doctor’s or team’s advice for walking and transferring out of bed/chairs safely (see Agrace’s mobility tips.)
  • Ask your doctor or hospice team about devices that might increase your function and safety, such as a walker, a lift or a bedside commode (portable toilet).
  • If you have moments of sudden weakness, use extra assistance to keep your balance while you are on your feet.

Hospice Caregiver Support for Falls

If an Agrace Hospice Care patient falls, please call Agrace as soon as you can, even if you think there is no injury.

If you have a non-urgent caregiving question, email us directly at caregiversupport@agrace.org, or send your questions through our online contact form.

Call (800) 553-4289

Call to talk to an interpreter / Tenemos intérpretes disponibles: (800) 930-2770


More Care Tips for Families

For more expert advice from Agrace, visit Agrace.org/CareTips.