If preparing your own meals has become too challenging, Age at Home can help bring the enjoyment back to eating. A helping hand in the kitchen can make mealtime more of a pleasure and less of a chore, as well as improving safety.
Keeping your fridge and pantry stocked with favorite foods can be tough if you can’t make frequent trips to the grocery store. Having a grocery list helps you stick to a budget, reduce waste and ensure ingredients are on hand for favorite meals.
Over a pet’s lifetime, our own aging process can make it tougher to keep up with their needs for regular care, feeding and exercise. With help from your Age at Home caregiver, your pets can continue to be your faithful companions and have their basic needs met every day.
Keeping a tidy home can be good for your mood and social life, and positively affect your health and safety. Age at Home caregivers can help with the light housecleaning chores that can sap your energy and weigh on your mind.
No more wrestling with fitted sheets or risking a back strain! You can enjoy the feel and scent of crisp, clean sheets without the strain of changing the bed yourself, with help from Age at Home.
Let’s face it. Everyone likes wearing clean clothes and using fresh towels. Your Age at Home caregiver can keep your hamper empty and your linen closet stocked, so you can feel and look your best.
Newspapers and mail piling up outside can signal passersby that something is wrong and make you a target for mischief. Age at Home staff can check your mailbox daily and bring the paper to you, so you can stay in touch with the news of the day.
Even the most avid gardeners sometimes fall behind on weeding and watering. If this is a worry for you, Age at Home can help you keep up, so your gardens can continue to give you their bounty and pleasure.
The final frontier of house cleaning is having the weekly trash and recyclables collected and taken to the curb. When this becomes too much to handle alone, your Age at Home caregiver can save the day.